20 Questions: Writerly Childhood Moments

Welcome back to our series, 20 QUESTIONS!,

where we answer questions about writing, reading, and author life.

This month’s question:

Are there any anecdotes from your childhood that, looking back, revealed you as a budding author/illustrator?

Valerie Bolling

“My elementary school media specialist, Mrs. Terrell, awarded my stories with first place badges. When describing my creative writing, my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Allen, wrote: ‘Valerie has exceptional flair in this area.’ I still have Mrs. Allen’s letter.”

Valerie Bolling, author of TOGETHER WE RIDE, illus. Kaylani Juanita (Chronicle, 2022)

Rajani LaRocca

“When I was a kid, I could describe the plot of almost every movie I saw; my cousins said it was like they’d seen the movie, too. I would also add my own commentary about what, in my opinion, made the story so good, or could have made it better. I guess I was thinking about story and what makes it satisfying, which is something I’ve been interested in for a long time.”

 —Rajani LaRocca, author of I’LL GO AND COME BACK, illus. Sara Palacios (Candlewick Press, 2022)

Joana Pastro

“I wrote my first picture book manuscript and dummy when I was six years old. It was called THE STONE DUCKLING. I remember my parents telling everyone about their ‘author daughter.’ I wish we still had it. My mom swears that she kept it, and she’ll find it eventually. Stay tuned!”

Joana Pastro, author of BISA’S CARNAVAL, illus. Carolina Coroa (Orchard Books, 2021)

Vicky Fang

“I was always reading and writing as a kid. But the thing that my friends all remember is that as I grew older and had to take notes in class, I always live-doodled all over my notes, making up little characters and scenarios for them.” 

Vicky Fang, author of INVENT-A-PET, illus. Tidawan Thaipinnarong (Sterling Children’s Books, 2020)

Hope Lim

“During my childhood and adolescent years, I cultivated the habit of journaling and drawing. I spent hours drawing Manhwa style characters in great detail, and my classmates would line up during breaks to get a sample of my drawing. I also made short comic books about crushes and friendship. I enjoyed filling notebooks with my own drawings inspired by my favorite poems, which I inscribed neatly. In hindsight, my process of writing began during this time of my life; images come to me first and then I put them into words.”

Hope Lim, author of MOMMY’S HOMETOWN, illus. Jaime Kim (Candlewick Press, 2022)