February New Book Releases 📖 plus our American Library Association Youth Media Award-winners

Welcome to the world, BEAUTY WOKE, and congrats to Soaring '20s author NoNieqa Ramos and illustrator Paola Escobar. The book has earned two starred reviews! Learn more (and buy the book) in the Soaring '20s Bookshop or wherever books are sold.
Affiliate disclosure: If you order the book from Bookshop using the link above, we receive a small commission at no cost to you.

Congrats to our American Library Association Youth Media Award winners:
Newbery Honor: Rajani LaRocca for RED, WHITE, AND WHOLE
Sibert Honor: Colleen Paeff and Nancy Carpenter (illustrator) for THE GREAT STINK: How Joseph Bazalgette Solved London's Poop Pollution Problem
Sydney Taylor Award Winner (Picture Book): Susan Kusel and illustrator Sean Rubin for THE PASSOVER GUEST
Congrats all!

Welcome back to our series, 20 QUESTIONS!,
where we answer questions about writing, reading, and author life.
This month’s question:
Are there any anecdotes from your childhood that, looking back, revealed you as a budding author/illustrator?
Valerie Bolling
“My elementary school media specialist, Mrs. Terrell, awarded my stories with first place badges. When describing my creative writing, my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Allen, wrote: ‘Valerie has exceptional flair in this area.’ I still have Mrs. Allen’s letter.”
—Valerie Bolling, author of TOGETHER WE RIDE, illus. Kaylani Juanita (Chronicle, 2022)
Read more answers from our Soaring 20s authors, here.
New Cover Reveals

New Book Deals

Join us for these events

Mar. 3 @ 6 p.m. Eastern (virtual): Virtual book launch for ONE WISH by M. O. Yuksel, illus. Mariam Quraishi at Books of Wonder. Learn more here.
Mar. 5 @ 11 a.m. Pacific: In-person launch event for MAKING WAVES with Vicky Fang at Linden Tree Books.
Mar. 6 @ 1p.m. Pacific: In-person meet & greet with Vicky Fang for MAKING WAVES at Books, Inc. in Mountain View.
Apr. 18 - May 30 @ 7 p.m. Central - Kirsten Larson will teach the Writing Barn Workshop, "Reimagining Your Nonfiction Picture Book: A Revision Workshop."