Soaring '20s

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Turn Your Support of Asian Americans into Action

The Soaring ‘20s PB Group supports the talents of Asian American authors and illustrators. We are proud and enriched by the perspectives each of the following individuals bring to our Soaring ‘20s PB group and to our greater kidlit community. 

In the wake of increased violence and discrimination against Asian Americans, we encourage you to take action. To show your support of Asian American kidlit authors and illustrators, please make a commitment to elevate their voices by:

  1. Purchasing their books.

  2. Requesting that your local library purchase their books.  

  3. Reviewing their books online.

  4. Sharing their books with young readers in your classroom, library, bookstore and home. 

We have some incredible suggestions for books you can highlight. Below is a list of the amazing work by Soaring ‘20s Asian American authors and illustrators. You’ll find links to buy their books on our site.

We’ve also compiled links to recommended book lists, educational resources and donor information, so be sure to read to the end of the post.

We also invite you to explore the resources below.

Book Lists

Educational Resources

Organizations/Donation Information

(many thanks to Monica on Twitter for most of these)